Tuesday, May 7, 2024

When last I left you....

 We had answers! We had options! And yeah, that went down in flames quickly. We did receive the quote from the company we had out to look at the flooding issue and well, at $15,000 ($5,000 per project, essentially), we had to decline their service. Woodchuck is pretty adamant that we can fix the back issue on our own, but I am not as confident. Not at all. And now we found another pipe in the CRP forest that is draining water from a property/house North of us, and we have another pipe draining directly into the flooding ditch from that same area. So we need to find out where those start. Nothing can be easy, can it? We saw that the woods to the West of us is up for sale. We can't swing it right now, but man is it tempting to snatch up all this is up for grabs around us so I can nurture it and return it to native plants!

We have had to take a couple of days off from the land recently. One to go get our boy from college! He was originally supposed to graduate this past weekend but with him changing majors, he has some more classes to take now. He has been home since 4 p.m. on Friday (today is Tuesday of the following week) and all he has done is game, do dishes a couple of times at our request, see friends, sleep and eat. No Summer job lined up (he does have an online Summer course he has to take that will help keep him busy), so we have LOTS of projects between our house, the land, and our oldest sons house for him to do. We have had numerous conversations already about how he's not going to loaf around...which leads to him walking away. For someone who doesn't want to be babied, he's not acting very mature. I have it in my sights to talk one on one with him, and reiterate that I will not work harder for his future than he is. I am busting my ass as it is. Word.

I had have to pivot from cutting and treating honeysuckle and autumn olive to pulling garlic mustard and digging out lily of the valley from the forest. Because of the flooding in said forest, I've had to resort to just snapping off the flowers on the LOV because I can't get to the roots in some areas right now. I will continue this struggle for the rest of the year into the Fall.

Hundreds of garlic mustard babies that I will need to go back and pull when they are bigger, which is likely right now. 👆
Dozens of sporadic Lily of the Valley patches throughout the forest, originating from a homestead just North of the forest. 👆

But some areas are too flooded for me to be able to dig the plants out and get the roots system completely. 👆

I also recently took a close friend to the land to mushroom hunt. It was nice sharing that magickal place with her and just walking around as opposed to loading up gear and trudging through flora, heat, and bugs to work. We had a wonderful time together just being there and listening to nature.

I had a follow up appointment yesterday with my rheumatologist, thinking it was going to be a waste of time, gas and money. BUT, she prescribed an oral steroid for me to try for 6 days and track my progress on it. How I respond to it can tell her how to proceed for long-term medications. She is still leaning towards Psoriatic Arthritis for me, but because the Dermatologist has diagnosed me with psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis and rosacea, she doesn't feel comfortable yet making it a definitive. I am doing my best to keep my stress under control, but she feels like my poor sleep isn't making things any better.

Right now we are struggling to meet all financial goals that are needed at one time: college tuition, car repairs, get the concrete poured in the pole barn, fix the flooding issues, save for retirement. But I am capable, I am guided, and I am held by the Universe. Even the doctor said she can see that I push through obstacles. I have my eyes on the target and I WILL succeed. 💜

I have a new piece of finished art that is now in the Etsy shop. I continue my search for a way to get my art into the world. I will not be part of a popularity contest, I will not settle, and I will be in control of my own destiny )O( www.soapwoodartstudio.etsy.com

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