Another hot and steamy day on Das Zem was planned. We always pack a cooler of water and electrolyte drinks, but I admit that it's hard standing there staring a pond (now a swamp) and not being able to cool off in it on the hot work days. Hubby has been after me for weeks now to decide on a spot for a hand-pump well, but I just couldn't decide because everything is still in its raw form right now. I kind of figured that once we decided on what was going where, it would be easier then to decide where to put the hand-pump. But nope. He was set on getting it done and I needed to make a decision.
He had already bought all of the parts, and upon arriving at Das Zem, he told me to head over to the prairie area and decide where I wanted it. I had already said, "Somewhere near where the outdoor shower will be", but that wasn't decisive enough. So when he got out there, I pointed out some areas, to which he said no to. Anyone else have this happen in their marriage? They ask you a question and then argue with or shoot down your answer. My kids do it as well. If you already knew where you didn't want it, you could have told me that so that I didn't focus on those spots. Anyhoot.
A note here that while they were getting the tractor started and ready, I walked around the front CRP and started pulling out small honeysuckle. SO easy when they are small!!! I had an arm full in no time! I asked a nearby white pine to please hold them for me, because I didn't want to forget any on the ground where they can re-root. Once the guys were ready to move, I black bagged the honeysuckle and headed for the prairie.
He ended up putting it where I first suggested, stating that it can always be moved later on down the road. Sigh. Let the post hole digging begin!
Now it's important here to talk about using the right tool for the job. And about how hubby has at least two or three of every tool, yet showed up today without one really important one to get the job done. A sledgehammer. Hell, I'd even say anything big that can hammer! Now, in his favor, he did remember to bring the t-post setter, which was also going to be very important, but the pipe cap was too big to use that initially, so that is where the sledgehammer was coming into the scene.
So they did what they did to try and make it work. Let's use the back side of a really big ax! You know, the flat side! And then crack!
D'OH! So a trip to the next town over, on an empty tank of gas (was planning on filling up on the way home) to get a sledgehammer, only to have Woodchuck remember half way there that he probably won't need it. Why won't he need it now when he needed it before? I wondered the same thing. When the cap broke, the threads on the pipe also were destroyed with all of the hammering, so that pipe was now trash and apparently was never going to stay anyway, it was just being used as a setter. So the pipes that mattered were still good and the t-post setter was going to work for them.
Well alrighty then. He made the trip back to the store this week to return the sledgehammer he didn't use.
And soon we struck water! Please be advised that this will not be drinking water. Oh no. This water will be for rinsing off hands, cooling heads off, maybe cleaning a spot off of the tractor. And this is most likely temporary, since we have no other water source out there at the time. It took a lot of pumping to try and get the water clear.
And there it was in all of its glory!
While the guys cleaned up their things, I went in search of some blueberries. I had nearly given up hope, but then!!!!! The teeniest tiniest of the plants was the first to alert me!
There is only one access point right now to the blueberry bushes, and it's still not an easy way to get to them. As far as we know, there are supposed to be around 8 bushes (as shown on an Google Earth map we were given), but we don't think that is a very recent map, because even the shape of the pond is different than what is pictured on it. We do know that because the pond is overflowing or leaking in some areas, at least one bush is now in the water. I think every time I go out there that I am going push through and figure it all out, but nope. I even bought waders from my workplace, and took them with me, and then told myself I wasn't going to need them.
Wrong answer.
I took some supplies to go pick blueberries, while checking out the plants along the way. I knew Woodchuck was going to be close behind me with a machete to clear some plants and I wanted to know what all was out there. There has been one plant out there that I have been waiting and waiting to identify. I drove hubby crazy by telling him to go around them and not whack them down until I can identify them. Turns out they could go, so that will be on my list next time we head out there. Some sort of agrimony that has taken over! BUT, I also managed to save these Spotted Touch-me-nots from the wrath of the muscle man!
Yes, of course I touched them!
I was in heaven, a very hot and humid heaven, but heaven nonetheless. A green heron took flight from the swampy pond (we wonder if it's eating the frogs?), so many butterflies to see, and birds to hear. I was dripping sweat, it was hard to breathe most of the time because when you get plants that thick and in wet areas, they hold the humidity! But I didn't care. I couldn't believe this was all mine to enjoy!
And then hubby shows up, overheated, practically panting, whipping my work cart around, etc. Not only was I worried for his wellbeing, but he was ruining my Zen moment connecting with the land. He left and went to find some shade in the forest while I continued to pick. I managed 10 ounces before I realized that I would indeed need my waders.
And those blueberry bushes are tall! About 6 to 7 feet, at least! We don't know a damn thing about caring for blueberry bushes, so that's something we need to research. Have they gotten this big because they were supposed to have been trimmed over the years? Most likely. As mentioned before in posts, we don't think anything has been done on the land for at least 10 years. Adding that to the list!

We are thinking that the next day we go out there, it will be a bit more of a laid back day. I need to pull some plants, hubby thinks the tractor needs to be oiled and fluids checked, and we have some blueberries to pick! What am I doing with them? Well, for now I rinse them and take a sheet tray lined with a thin towel, spread the blueberries out in one layer and flash freeze them. Maybe this Fall I will make a blueberry pie or cobbler from them! Of course we each tested one while picking, and yep, they were fabulous! Of course, we will leave a good amount for the birds, deer, etc. Speaking of wildlife!
On the main path, we noticed that something has finally taken interest in the deer carcass we pulled out of the ditch months ago. It had it spread along the path for a few feet, deer hair pulled out, bones here and there. It was worth all of the effort to get that very water-logged deer out of a very steep ditch! 💚
Stay tuned for more adventures!