Hubby and I rarely spend time together anymore doing anything other than him sleeping in his recliner and me on the couch in the evenings. We knew that once we got the land, that was going to dominate all, but I still think it's important to break away from that from time to time and just focus on each other. Friday was going to be that day!
We had planned on heading to Michigan for some shopping and lunch. He had some stuff to do in town first and then was going to come home to grab me and then we'd head out. Finances told us "no" and we listened! So I went with him to his appointments (a new tire, tire rotation, and allergy shot), and lunch was a greasy, though tasty, egg roll from a truck stop deli. The day started very cloudy and somewhat chilly. It's starting to look more Fall-like in the skies, while down on the ground it's still looking like Summer. The changes in weather make me hurt even more than usual, and the humidity really knocks me down. But I put on my big girl pants and went about the day.

My goal, once we got home, was to start cleaning up the workshop. Our art is calling and we have no space to work on it since I have the let the workshop go for months on end. I do occasionally get out there and try to make a spot to make soap in, but then it all fills back in again. My side of the workshop is closest to the house, and the catch all for everyone and everything. It's also got a small deep freezer, the washer and dryer, the dehumidifier, the boy's college stuff like his dorm fridge, dishes, etc. and then there's some of hubby's stuff and during the off-season, it also stores the window a/c's.
Little by little my space is being chipped away at, and the boy made a comment to me one night over dinner that I should clean it up. I told him that was too bad, it's my space, with everyone's else's shit taking over, and he can stay out of there if it bothers him. Not to mention that between my job, my art, my home, and Das Zem, I'm working 7 days a week. But he's right, and my intention is to get in there and make it a different space.
Hubby wanted to go to Das Zem though. He was itching to get on the tractor again, and he wanted me on there this time too. I worked as maintenance at a county park that I was a nature center attendant at, to help fill in a suddenly vacated spot. I loved being outside, but I hated the machinery. I got a crash course in how to use a zero-turn, a John Deere tractor with a bush hog on it, a weed whacker, a golf cart, etc. I was not looking forward to getting on a tractor again.
I picked up more garbage along the road that got uncovered with the first pass of mowing the day we got the tractor. I picked a couple of honeysuckle blossoms from the bush that he knocked over (on purpose, it's all coming out) and took stock of what was still left to knock over. One honeysuckle already had berries, so we'll have to wait to knock that one down. Once hubby was ready to come and clean up the mowing up front, I moved my car out of his way and headed to the prairie to harvest mullein blossoms. He was going to be mowing that ingress/egress path, our main pathway to the second CRP, and the main prairie. Anything needing to be saved from those areas needed to be saved quickly.
We have A LOT of mullein growing on the land. While not a native to Indiana, which is why I am in the process of pulling it, it does have a lot of good medicinal properties. I've dried some leaves, harvested some blossoms, and cut dead blossom stalks to make Witch Torches with. I try to utilize as much as I can from everything I find. I do have some guilt about harvesting and mowing. I think of all of the tiny creatures being affected by our actions. I asked a Mama Wolf Spider carrying her egg sac who crossed my path on the little roadway that we had to mow, to move along faster and get out of the way. I found this adorable crab-like spider on one of the mullein stalks, and told it that the mower was coming and it needed to get away quickly.

I look at my drying screen that these blossoms are now laying on, and see the casualties of my harvesting. Tiny little beetles, now dead, and probably so much more that I can't see. I feel so bad 😔But if I do that to myself over everything, I'll never get anything done on the land, and it needs us. It really, really needs us to get it back to healthy. Hubby and I did talk about leaving this prairie next season for longer for the pollinators. I'm watching it now to see how long it lasts in bloom, and when the Spring/Summer blooms are gone, what comes next? I want to give the best chance to all of the creatures that need those plants to survive.
The other side of the prairie, which I have yet to name, that leads down to the pond,= was not going to get mowed. There's too much here right now to save. The Swamp Rose, Bee Balm, St. Johns Wort, and lots and lots of blackberries that I want to see ripen! There's plenty of other areas to work on in the meantime. The bee balm/wild bergamot is in full bloom right now!

I could hear the tractor coming, my time had come to an end trying to harvest and save. As feared, hubby said it was my turn to get on. I told him no, he said, yes, and we went back and forth like that for a few minutes. Okay, I'll sit on it and you can show me what to do, but I'm not driving it. That prairie is not level and I can't walk across it without tripping into divots, I don't feel comfortable taking a tractor over uneven land. Another crash course ensued about all of the levers and pedals, and then he tells me to go. Nope. Not happening. We argued back and forth and then he jumps on the side board and tells me to go. Sweet Jesus. While I felt a little better that he was on there with me, now I had to be even more careful to not get too close to the ditch and dump him.

I made that first pass, with him on board, and got just over halfway around the prairie when I had a massive panic attack. He tried to talk me into staying on and I told him I was getting off now and would jump off and stall it if I needed to. So he hurried up and hit all of the gears, levers and pedals and let me off. I think it's a combination of the noise, vibration, size, and uneven ground that sets me off. This is, absolutely, his toy. Have fun, honey! He finished the circle, made another pass around, cutting in closer to the outside edge and then left the rest of it for our son to practice on. A whole other sort of panic sets in at that thought!
With that area done, and hubby still not ready to put the new toy away, we headed out to start mowing the ingress/egress path farther in on the land, which is also our own path in most spots. This path, once past the first CRP forest, is one of the most difficult areas to walk right now. It's thorny, supremely overgrown, and it shows you who's your Mama real fast. I had to run ahead and pull the flags that the NRCS laid down to mark the path that they needed accessible, while also looking to make sure that hubby wasn't going to take anything important down (there's always going to be some casualties, sadly). There's a lot of milkweed in one area where the path branches off to follow the second ditch, or to make a turn onto the watershed. I know the monarchs are laying their eggs right now! UGH!

It was now or never, let's do it! Hubby looks so comfortable and natural driving that thing. I feel like an ant trying to drive it. He went all the way down the path to our land marker and then had to try and turn around without harming anything I wanted left. A couple of Sumacs didn't survive the adventure, but luckily we have lots of those!
There he goes! What an incredible transformation in just making this one pass through! It enabled me to see so much more of what was growing along the edges. The last time I was able to walk this easily was early Spring, and the Summer stuff isn't awake then, obviously! Lots and lots of bee balm! Indian Hemp! Sadly, I can see lots of MFR (multiflora rose) as well. Ugh. It's big and obnoxious too. I'll get to it, I'll get to everything in time.
Looking back at what he's already mowed, and OMG, the smell is so intoxicating!
I can *just* see the watershed at one spot over the second ditch, and some flowers blooming there. My goal next time out on the land is to get to that area. We were thinking about mowing a path around the perimeter of the watershed, so we can still access areas we need to work on, but I want to see what is growing out there first. It's not going to be easy getting to it, that's for sure! Hubby wasn't ready to finish mowing the ingress/egress onto the watershed access point, so we called it a day and headed the tractor back. I was happy with the progress! I think we achieved a lot in just one fell swoop! Time to head home and relax!
The weather on our normal day to head to the land again wasn't good, so we stayed home and THEN I was able to start cleaning out the workshop! I warned the guys it wasn't going to get done in one day, so I didn't want hear any comments about how it didn't look any different.
I know it doesn't translate well in pictures how different it looks, but the whole back seat of my car is piled with donations to take to a resale shop! And hey, at least I can walk through and access all key points of my supplies. Still not done yet, I need to get the table cleaned off, but for working on it for more than a few hours, I'm happy with the results from the first day.

Oh and, the boy had a box of electronics on this side. It is now in his bedroom. Tell Mom to clean up her workshop and she does! Get yer' shit out of my space!
The tall brown cabinet came out of our kitchen since we are getting kitchen new cabinets next week, and a dear friend came by to pick it up so she can use it in her home. I love being able to pass things along!
So before the cleaning started, Woodchuck and I had a "business meeting" over coffee about some art projects that we are wanting to do for our next show. I won't post any pictures here about that, at least right now. The big show is at the end of September, so we are running out of time! Funny how last we checked we had months and months to prepare and now we are down to 2 months and didn't finish anything along the way! Not like we haven't been busy or anything............